Maranatha Media: South Africa

TRSC 2019 Winter Series

Aanbieder: Verskeie
Aangebied: Des 19, 2019 - Des 28, 2019
Aanbiedings: 16

Matthew 24 lists the conditions that will prevail at the end of the world among which is that many will arise contradicting the character of the Son while claiming to be Christ. But "this gospel", a revelation of the true Son of God and the love of the Father, will be preached in all the world. THEN the end will come.

Aangebied: Des 19, 2019

Craig Jones presents the connection between belief and faith through many bible story accounts and his own personal experience. A touching message that changes lives.
Matt 9:27 Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Jairus, only believe and she shall be made whole. Then two blind men recognized Jesus as the Son of David, the Messiah.

Aangebied: Des 20, 2019

True Sabbath keeping comes from the Lord of the Sabbath, who rests in the bossom of his Father, the great Source of all. Be a Sabbath Receiver!

Aangebied: Des 20, 2019

A story, a journey, a witness to the personal experience of discovering the Father and Son in the Bible and a changed life.

Aangebied: Des 20, 2019

Vibrational frequencies, sound, the Word of God, creating, sustaining the universe.

"The prince of the power of evil can only be held in check by the power of God in the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit." Ms22-1897.19; Special Testimonies, Series A, 10:37, 1897.
“There is but one power that can break the hold of evil from the hearts of men, and that is the power of God in Jesus Christ." Testimonies vol. 8 p. 291 1903
“There is only one power that can turn the sinner from sin to holiness—the power of Christ." Review & Herald, June 2, 1903
“Christ is the source of every right impulse. He is the only one that can implant in the heart enmity against sin.” Steps to Christ p. 26 1893

Aangebied: Des 20, 2019

How to resolve the conflict between an apparent angry God the Father in the Old Testament and a sympathetic, kind, and gentle Son of God (whom to see is to see the Father John 14:8) in the New Testament? The Divine Pattern of Source and Channel, Father and Son. Only through the lens of the Son can the Father draw us to Himself.

Aangebied: Des 21, 2019

Adrian Ebens shares his conversion story from rebellious youth to hungry Bible student.

Aangebied: Des 21, 2019

Craig Jones concludes his personal story from rejection to acceptance, escaping from the domination of performance and finding his true identity as a son of God when he discovered that "the Father Himself loves you" John 16:27.

Aangebied: Des 22, 2019

Adrian Ebens establishing the foundation of God's Throne: justice and mercy, judgment and truth.

Aangebied: Des 22, 2019

Adrian Ebens recounts the many ways our heavenly Father cares for His children, hears their cries for help, and answers their prayers.

Aangebied: Des 22, 2019

Adrian Ebens examines the mirror principle in reflecting the thoughts of men. Moses with a rebellious people.

Aangebied: Des 22, 2019

Daniel Bernhardt opens the Bible to study the relationship between the invisible Father and the Son of God who is the visible "image of the invisible God" Col 1:15.

Aangebied: Des 23, 2019

Adrian Ebens: Sourch Channel relationships affect everything and everyone.
1Corinthians 8:6; John 17:3; Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:15; Matthew 17:3; 1Corinthians 11:3

Aangebied: Des 23, 2019

Adrian Ebens reviews the history of Platonic philosophy, of shadows and reality, 1888 and dispensational thinking. The everlasting covenant is also the New Covenant demonstrated in the life of Abraham.

Aangebied: Des 23, 2019

The brass mirror reflects man's thinking because brass is man-made--not created by God and found in nature. Man accepted Satan's false system of justice, the demand for punishment. Desire of Ages p. 761

Aangebied: Des 23, 2019

Adrian Ebens reviews his personal experience in feeling the sufferings of Christ in its full force to either change and break our hearts or harden them in stubborn resistance.

Aangebied: Des 28, 2019
Aanbieder: Adrian Ebens