Maranatha Media: South Africa


gepos Jun 19, 2021 deur Cedric Vander Mescht in Testimonies and Stories
724 Hits


As ons maar net wou LUISTER -    

Dan sou God se werke ons leer

kosbare lesse: gehoorsaamheid en vertroue (H)eer

Van die grootste Sterre tot die kleinste atoom

almal luister na hul Skepper’s wil

maar die mens in ongeloof skitter - gril

God is besorg oor alles - ja, behou als

Hy wat die ontelbare wêrelde ophou

is dié Een wat Sy hand om die swaeltjie vou.

Wanneer die mens biddend voort swoeg….

Of hul rondrol snags of verrys bedag

Ryk fees in sy paleis, arm rondom sy kinders sag…

As ons maar tog net sou WEET ….

Elkeen word sagkens dag en nag bewaak 

deur die Hemelse Vader- ons is voorwaar Sy saak. 

LUISTER en WEET mensekind bleek:

Geen glimlag of traan word ongesiens gestort 

Wat Hy nie oplet- niks sal ooit skort!


If we will but listen, God's created works will teach us precious lessons of obedience and trust. From the stars that in their trackless course through space, follow from age to age their appointed path, down to the minutest atom, the things of nature obey the Creator's will. And God cares for everything and sustains everything that he has created. He who upholds the unnumbered worlds throughout  immensity, at the same time cares for the wants of the little brown sparrow that sings its humble song without a fear. When men go forth to their daily toil, as when they engage in prayer; when they lie down at night, and when they rise in the morning; when the rich man feasts in his palace, or when the poor man gathers his children about the scanty board, each is tenderly watched by the heavenly Father. No tears are shed that God does not notice. There is no smile that he does not mark.  . CE 54.4