Maranatha Media: South Africa

Kampvergadering September 2021

gepos Jun 17, 2021 deur Nina Snyman in Events
860 Hits


Donderdag  23 September om 10vm tot Donderdag 30 September 2021, met middagete.


Mispah Jeug Kamp, naby Grabouw  (Sien aanduidings na die terrein hieronder.)


R200 per nag per volwassene

Skoolgaande kinders is gratis.

Koste vir een volwassene vir die volle duur van die kamp (7 nagte): R1400.

Maaltye word gratis voorsien. Bring asb. eie beddegoed en handdoeke.


Frikkie van Rensburg, tel no 076 825 8180.

Nina Snyman, tel no 082 745 4462

Die wat finansiële stremming ervaar, kan ons kontak om reëlings te tref.

Aanduidings na die terrein:

Om by die kampterrein te kom volg die volgende aanwysings. Vanaf Kaapstad neem die N2 noord deur Somerset Wes en oor die pas na Grabouw. Wanneer jy die informele woondeel aan linkerhand kry in daar ń afdraai pad na regs, dit is ń teerpad na die Palmiet Hidrokragstasie van Escom. Daar is nie ń bord wat dit aandui nie. Die bord staan omtrent 100 meter nadat jy afgedraai het. Draai daar regs vanaf die N2 en volg die aanwysingsborde van Mizpah. Dit is ongeveer 8 km vanaf die N2. Die pad word grondpad na 6 km. Indien jy van George rigting kom gaan jy verby Grabouw totdat jy die informele woondeel aan regterkant vind. Kyk dan uit vir die afdraai na links. Volg die aanwysings na Mizpah Jeugkamp.



Vanuit die hemel is tyd die bron

Dit het als van ons Vader gekom

Vanaf aards begin was die son

Vasgestel in baan agter horison


Maan en sterre vir tyd wat kon

inkruip by mens se rus alom

So was die sabbat die bron

vir sewe feeste wat saam kom


Nuwemaan naby gars-oestyd kon

geen beter tyd bring vir jaar aan't kom

Pasga op die 14 de dag - lewelose donkerson

bring sabbat van ongesuurde brood om


Eerste vrugte gedenk Heiland as Bron

van veel vrugte wat in lewens sal kom

Verrese Jesus: brood uit die hemel kon

aan mens lewe skenk as slotsom


Van hier tel sewe weke se fees die son

Tot hul vyftigste dag: Pinkster kom

Jesus deur die Vader verheerlik as Gees kon

gawes en hoop bring vir mens alom


Die sewende maand met nuwemaan won

die Pinkster wat van Sinai-gedenking kom

Op dag een van Trompette is bron

wat op groot Versoendag neerkom


Versoeningsplan vir elke mens onder son:

Sonde opgehoop in heiligdom

Word vergewe deur Lam se bloed wat kon

verskil maak omdat vergifnis van Vader kom


Nou is die uur van voorbereiding vir Bron

sodat Sy kinders na Hom kan kom

Huttefees is hier - die oes van die uur kon

nie gouer kom -  blye versoening as slotsom.


 - Deur Cedric van der Mescht -


Aannmoediging vir bywoning:

Brethren and sisters, it would be far better for you to let your business suffer than to neglect the opportunity of hearing the message God has for you. Make no excuse that will keep you from gaining every spiritual advantage possible. You need every ray of light. You need to become qualified to give a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. You cannot afford to lose one such privilege. 6T 39.2

Anciently the Lord instructed His people to assemble three times a year for His worship. To these holy convocations the children of Israel came, bringing to the house of God their tithes, their sin offerings, and their offerings of gratitude. They met to recount God’s mercies, to make known His wonderful works, and to offer praise and thanksgiving to His name. And they were to unite in the sacrificial service which pointed to Christ as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Thus they were to be preserved from the corrupting power of worldliness and idolatry. Faith and love and gratitude were to be kept alive in their hearts, and through their association together in this sacred service they were to be bound closer to God and to one another. 6T 39.3

In the days of Christ these feasts were attended by vast multitudes of people from all lands; and had they been kept as God intended, in the spirit of true worship, the light of truth might through them have been given to all the nations of the world. 6T 39.4

With those who lived at a distance from the tabernacle, more than a month of every year must have been occupied in attendance upon these holy convocations. The Lord saw that these gatherings were necessary for the spiritual life of His people. They needed to turn away from their worldly cares, to commune with God, and to contemplate unseen realities. 6T 40.1