Maranatha Media: South Africa

Feast of Tabernacles 2016 : Feedback

gepos Nov 11, 2016 deur Hein de Wit in Events
1,303 Hits

Feast of Tabernacles 2016 : African Enterprise Pietermaritzburg South Africa.
From the 20th – 23rd October 2016 a “mini” Camp Meeting was held at the African Enterprise Conference Centre in Pietermaritzburg KZN South Africa. The camp meeting was the culmination of various requests from people throughout South Africa that expressed a need for “free-association” of believers to discuss various topics pertaining to doctrine, worship and fellowship. 
The camp meeting and additional materials was in largely funded through:
⦁    Maranatha Media (Adrian Ebens)
⦁    TRSC ( Gary Hullquist)
⦁    BETV ( Sandy Clark)
⦁    Life Enrichment Ministries SA
⦁    Members contributions
Our sincerest thanks goes to all our associates and friends who helped us make this possible.
A total number of 34 people stayed at AE – and an additional 16 locals attended throughout the weekend. The venue was really beautiful and the attendees marvelled at nature and the surroundings.

The venue offered good accommodation with additional facilities like:
⦁    Lecture Hall
⦁    Full Kitchen
⦁    Dining Hall
⦁    Library (Bookshop)
⦁    Prayer Chapel
⦁    Baptismal Pond in the river
⦁    Beautiful lush gardens 
The venue has been identified as a regular Camp Meeting site and has been provisionally booked for 2017 Feast of Tabernacles.
The Program had several speakers speaking on a variety of topics:
⦁    Ps Louis Hofmeyer : Father and Son
⦁    Dr Solomon Khunou : The Holy Convocations/Feast Days
⦁    Elder Philip Aspeling : Health
⦁    Elder Hein de Wit : Feast of Tabernacles : Why?
All the sessions were well attended – most notably by the young people who were attending with their parents. It was very interactive – and questions and comments were encouraged in certain instances.
On Friday evening a very special Communion Service was led by Ps Hofmeyer. The emotion and re-dedication to the special task of spreading the gospel was something to experience.
 Quite a few people had not been to a communion service for some time due to them no longer being part of a church. The presence of our Saviour through HIS Holy Spirit was felt by all.
On Sabbath Dr Khunou did several very interesting presentations of the Holy Convocations. One of the most interesting was “Noah and the Feasts.”
Dr Khunou nearly did not make it to camp meeting as traffic and weather caused him to miss his initial flight to Pietermaritzburg. But through GOD’s will he made it in time.

Sabbath afternoon saw 3 people dedicate their lives to Jesus in Baptism. Two of those travelled all the way from Empangeni to be baptised – and listening to their testimonies was amazing. The third person was local – and it was through the call for baptism that he came forward.

Because of this baptism two further folks asked to be baptised – and on Sunday Ps. Hofmeyer baptised them.

The food prepared by our lovely kitchen team was excellent. Pam , Anton , Truida and Dianne really looked after the campers well. Breakfast and some lunch / dinner was suppled. Vegan and vegetarian was catered for.

There were many testimonies : But one of the people being baptised showed the group how he dressed to “protest” the disfellowship of people in his church .  He wore this to a church service – and confronted the church elders and pastors in this garb. It typifies the “bi-wigs” judging and condemning GOD’s people.

The standout thing for me however was the fellowship. We had people from all over South Africa – with varying views : mostly SDA’s , but also people from the Messianic movement. These ladies attended on Sabbath – and was so impressed with Dr Khunou’s presentations – that they have asked for copies of his series on the Feasts. A bridge of friendship and co-operation was built and we will be studying with them in the future.
A full bookshop was made available : with nearly 90 new books on the topics that was discussed. DVD’s and music was also available.

We ended the camp meeting with a business meeting to establish a committee to organise future events. A committee was elected and tasks were allocated. Everybody left in high spirits – and the call was:
⦁    “Till we meet in Jerusalem next year!”

Hein de Wit : Life Enrichment Bookshop